1. Fanfare: Royal Occasion - Cole
2. Band: A Life on the Ocean Wave - Russell arr Alford
3. Pipes and Drums: Highland Laddie / The Campbells are Coming - Trad arr Green
4. Band: Famous Songs of the British Isles - arr Dunn
5. Pipes and Drums: Pipe Selection including Gordon Boy (Lang); The Barren Rocks of Aden (Mauchline); The Brown Haired Maiden (Trad); Mairi's Wedding (Trad); Major A C S Boswell (Henderson); Captain D P Thomson (Johnstone); Lt Col H L Clark (Johnstone)
6. Band: Sea Shanties Medley - arr Neville
7. Pipes and Drums: Highland Fling including The Dornoch Links, The Marquis of Huntly, A Man's A Man For A' That (Trad)
8. Band, Pipes and Drums: Arrival - Anderson & Ulvaeus arr Cole
9. Band, Pipes and Drums: The Black Bear - Trad arr Keeling
10. Fanfare: Williamson No. 1 - Williamson
11. Band, Fanfare Trumpets and Drums: Royal Salute - Waterer
Drum Beatings: Marantha - Law
Band and Drums: Time Off - Watson/Law
12. Pipes and Drums: The Argyll Broadswords including Glendurel Highlanders (Fettes); O'er the Bows to Ballindallock (Trad); Miss Ada Crawford (Mauchline); Because He Was a Bonny Lad (Paton); The Piper of Drummond (Trad); Sleepy Maggie (Trad); All the Blue Bonnets (Trad)
13. Band, Pipes and Drums: The Soldiers Return - Trad
14. Band, Pipes and Drums: Chariots of Fire - Vangelis arr Cole
15. Band and Fanfare Trumpets: Crown Imperial - Walton arr Dunn
16. Band: The Day Thou Gavest - Scholefield
17. Band: Sunset - Green
18. Band: Rule Britannia - Arne arr Woodfield
19. Band, Pipes and Drums: Auld Lang Syne - Trad arr Kimberly
20. Band, Pipes and Drums: Scotland the Brave - Trad arr Keeling